I've been really wracking my brain trying to come up with some awesome content for you all, but I keep coming up with nothing. That's why I haven't written lately. Oh sure I could do a "Five reasons your ass hurts after you squat" article, or "Seven reasons why you suck and I'm better than you" one. But it's all being done to death by every two bit blogger on the internet. I'm not very retrospective about strength training so writing about shit that I learned through my training would be so bogus and mundane. I can't write about injuries because I never get hurt anymore. It's hard for me to write articles where I tell you what to do because I'm not really all about telling people what to do, that's why I refuse to let anyone call me coach. Plus I have zero education and all these super smart college graduated people write these really scientific articles and use terms that I swear to god I've never heard of, it honestly intimidates me. After seeing what all these people write here and other places my third grade writing doesn't seem all that relative to the strength community.
So nothing fun or unusual has been happening at the gym lately, just business as usual. But I swear, the first time something worthy of writing happens I'm gonna blow you all away.
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