Your complaints to the EFS corpo offices have been answered! I know It's been a while since I have been here. As it turns out Dave started noticing a downward trend in the numbers, the stocks were tumbling, the board of directors were breathing down his neck, he was forced to downsize the corporate jet from a G5 to G4. He knew there was only one way to get back into the red . . . or is it the black? Whichever the good one is, I can never remember. There was only one sure fire way back to profitability "get Pulcinella on the phone!" Dave bellowed to his secretary. And the rest, as they say, is history.
What have I been up to in the last six months or so you may ask. Working at the gym more than ever, I worked almost every single day in 2014 mainly for the sheer reason I really had nothing else better to do. I haven't really been training too many people either, the personal training thing just isn't for me. I'll do one time sessions here and there with outside clients that want to learn specific things but just can't seem to handle actual programming for people. For the main reason that I just can't figure out what to tell people to do more than one day in advance to get stronger. I can only seem to program people I see day to day so I can witness first hand what their strengths and weaknesses really are with my own eyes. I know, I seem to have way too many hang-ups when it comes to that stuff but that's just the way it is.
Everyone tells me, "but dude, you could make mad bank if you did online training for people". I've tried it, I just didn't feel comfortable doing it. Plus money is just not that motivating for me, you would think it is because of the fact that I'm broke all the time but it's just not. I was actually emailing back and forth with Dave last week regarding some business stuff and I was telling him that lately I just have goals in my life, no financial goals, no lifting goals, no personal goals, Etc. But I realized this week that I really do have a goal, I still look forward to creating the coolest gym possible and provide an awesome experience to anyone that walks in here. But if it makes no money for me why do it? I guess it's like a guy who spends a fortune fixing up his old muscle car then drives it around town proudly while other dudes stand there drooling and jealous.
I'm still scratching away buying new equipment piece by piece here, last summer we installed an EFS Delux competition bench and just yesterday we installed another collegiate power rack. So Iron Sport is looking better and more functional every day.
I'm nowhere near done with this place yet, there are still more things I want to refine and improve on both with equipment and the facility itself.
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