Ok, this time I swear I'm really back. I haven't been all that active on the site in recent months because I was just dealing with my own issues and whatnot. I just needed to step back, refresh my brain and sort out my thoughts. Ok enough of that fruity, touchy-feely bullshit.
Last time I posted anything I was in the process of transitioning the gym via substantially raising my prices. That has sort of ironed itself out and it seems like it has put us on more of a positive path as far as the direction of the clientele. I can honestly say our client base is 95% goal oriented lifters right now, with most of them being active in competing. I would just need the actual number of members to go up some.
I am also breaking out of my shell a little and training more and different types of clients. My plan is to build an army of muscle mutants to someday help me rule the earth.
I'll even give you some Stevey P personal updates. I just found out today that my oldest daughter and her husband are having a baby BOY!! Do you know that means? That means I need to keep this gym open long enough so that when he is ready he'll have a good place to train. I can't have no grandson of mine joining some weak ass chain gym and getting yelled at when he deadlifts 1200lbs (I'm just assuming that's what he'll be pulling).
I'm not even sure how to describe my own training right now, it's somewhat powerlifting (without the actual strength results) and somewhat bodybuilding (with the actual muscles). I just do my thing in the gym and try to train hard and enjoy it at the same time. I'm an old grandpop now, I'm doing the best that I can. Here is an example of my back workout from last week:
Two high-pulls and one hang-clean combo: 90kg, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125
Speed deads with chains: 6 sets of 5
Front squats: worked up to a 90% single, then two down sets
Glute/Ham raise: 5 sets of 12
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