My back, hips, and shoulders are in pretty damn good working condition presently. If you are a follower of my work, you are familiar with my struggle.
If you are a person of a certain age, perhaps there's a 4 or greater in the tens place, you get it. If you don't get it, take heed, one day you will.
Like I said, I'm feeling pretty good. Notice I did not say perfect. Feeling good enough I cut a few deals with myself last week.
I told myself I could run one day. I have not been running for over two months because of my back and hips. If it felt good, I told myself I could run two days next week.
Well, yesterday I thought about breaking my one day run rule for the week and going again. Grr, I had to stop myself. I should be so f'n happy to have been able to run even once. Don't push it Vincent.
In the past I was using Saturday as a dynamic training day. I was doing box jumps and throws. I have missed this as it is a very perishable skill as we age.
Are my hips, back, and shoulders as 100% as they can be, I'm not sure there is a true 100% at my age and time under the bar. However, I'd be lying if I didn't feel a tinge of tightness that I know still has a bit to get better.
Grrr again! As much as I wanted to jump and throw, I knew I would not be aggravating my body if I held off. It sucks, but thinking big picture always helps. Frontload your recovery!
A cool thing I learned, it's difficult to experience negative emotions when practicing gratitude. So every time I am upset because my body is holding me back from what I want to do, I remember to be grateful for what it allows me to do.