I am sure that everyone has heard the acronym about "FEAR". That it stands for F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal.
We have ALL been living for the last couple of years in a constant state of FEAR.
I won't go into all the politics nor the sciences as to why, but we have all been acting like a bunch of whiney bitches AFRAID.
While it's OK to be afraid of something, it is NOT ok to do something about it.
Even today, while we approached the bigger weights in the hex bar deadlift, some of the people became tentative and actually got it in their heads that they couldn't do the weight.
I knew that it was all in their "wheelhouse" and that they were strong enough to do what was on the bar, yet I had to trick a couple of people into the larger numbers I knew they were capable of.
We have been POUNDED into such fear for such a long time that I decided it was time to break those bonds and start acting like the WINNERS we were designed to be.
The attitude had to turn into more of..."But...did you die?" than it was to protect egos and muscle strains.
Heck!!! I even had one of my more mature participants (age 87) pull 165 lbs. and that to me is a great day!
You gain strength, courage, and confidence from every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
What do you really fear? Go take care of it.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
3 way shoulders: 3x20
Hex Bar Deadlift:
Same set up as last week. Work up to a 3 rep max but beat last weeks number.
Then...Add a little more weight and pull a single
Add a bit more and pull another single
Add a tiny bit more and pull for the third and final single
GHR: 35 reps
Box Step Up: Use DB's and do 3 sets of 6 reps HEAVY on each leg
45 degree Back Extension: 3x10
Bike Commute: 25 mins