Walk into most any Strongman gym and you will see the crew starting off with very similar events. Whatever event they want to do best at, they do first. Whatever their weakest event is...they do it first. Whatever their MAX event is, they will do that first. It is a circle that is fun to watch.
Have you ever seen an older Strongman train? If an athlete has made it 20 years in Strongman, they know what they are doing and maybe you should follow. They will always begin with something ATHLETIC that gets not only their body warmed up and moving in the correct patterns but it will also get their heart rate moving. The next time you see them, take note. Especially if you plan on being in this sport very long!
Start your training session off with something MOVING that isn't going to be an event in your next contest. Something the gets your body warmed up and moving and pumps blood into every muscle that will need to be ACTIVE in your first actual event or two. People tend to get injured either early in their training session or right at the end. Most of the time if they get injured at the beginning it could have been avoided through a proper INTELLIGENT warm up. If they get injured near the beginning of their session maybe it was technical, hydration, the wind, or their training partner wasn't concentrating enough. You decide.
I began this training session off with some Anvil Carries. This doggone thing has just sat in my back rook taking up space and it is so low to the ground I haven't picked it up for years. A few months ago I picked it up and put in inside the gym so I'd use it more. Several months go by and it hasn't moved so I moved it outside so I'd use it more...and so I put it to good use.
4 Trips of 100 ft with a turn at 50 ft, 30 second rest periods. Nothing hard, just enough to get my body moving, heart rate up, warm up my biceps, shoulders, entire back, hamstrings, and abs... Don't have an anvil? A sandbag will work. Don't have a sandbag? Small children or training partners will work JUST FINE!