The last few weeks I've had my head buried in client videos and surfing Facebook where I've had client after client have issues on their overhead press and I've seen a ton of questions on The Books from athletes who are not getting their best results on Log Press. So, I put on as much gear as possible just to shoot a simple video with an empty log to help address this issue.
Truth is, I've learned most of this from Weightlifters and my jumping head first into the sport yet I've seen almost every Weightlifter struggle A LOT with the log itself. The rules that apply to a normal barbell can also apply to an axle and a log yet they are completely different beasts! Just like when one says "You can't look at THE TOP GUYS and do what they do" you'd also be short changing yourself if you don't take their principles and learn from them. Yes, maybe you can't do Eddie Hall's training program BUT you sure as heck can learn from his attention to detail when it comes to nutrient intake, hydration, and recovery. Maybe a Weightlifter will struggle when it comes to transfering his Clean and Jerk with a $1,500 polished barbell and perfectly calibrated bumper plates on a $1,000 lifting platform over to a $200 log with the cheapest plates on it that you can afford to smash while standing on some rubber stall mats but...the principles can certainly be applied.
1) How do you use your feet and where do you apply force when you need the most drive out of them?
2) How much should you dip down and how fast should you dip?
3) When to push with your shoulders, triceps, arms, and hands?
4) What to do to do LEARN to drive up before you finish the push on the push press?