There is very little in life that is more frustrating than working your butt off but not getting the results that you deserve. The Log Press, like every lift, is a complex lift that people will try to tell you is simple. Heck, you just press it! And you know...that is correct...till you start losing to people with better technique than you have!
At that point you tend to do a few different things:
1) Quit: We all hate losing and when we can't progress anymore we either take drastic measures or quit.
2) Beat The Horse Harder: We go back to the log press and yell more, scream more, take more creatine and drink three extra energy drinks to see if that helps. Most of the time it does...BUT THEN WHAT?
3) Get Smarter: This is where most people will hire a coach that hopefully has enough knowledge to break down your training videos in slow motion so that they can actually SEE what it is that you are doing wrong on such a technical lift. I do this with every client and most of them hate me because I get so nit picky with every detail...till they start seeing progress again!
So, this is ME doing the log press. Some good things going on and a ton of bad things. THIS is what I do with every single exercise that I do every freaking training session! Slow motion, looking for mistakes that I can fix so I don't have to spend my money taking extra creatine or three scoops of pre-workout. The Lord already knows how much I yell and scream in the gym anyway (only way to be heard by The Reaper over my music anyway) so I can't add anything there.
This is me getting smarter... So you can too!