This is the busiest week of the year for us at TPS each year.
We are prepping for the big show on Saturday.
This Saturday at 9:00 a.m. we are hosting out annual Strongman event.
We are proud to host the 13th annual North American Strongman Mass. State Championships to benefit the Chelsea Soldiers Home. We have been doing this for a long time and look forward to it all year.
This year will be no different. We have about 40 athletes coming to compete for the title of Strongest Man or Woman in Massachusetts. They also have a chance to qualify for the Nationals.
We’ll have a great day of food, raffles, BEER, strongman and lots of fun.
Our events will be:
Axle Clean and Press for Maximum Weight
Deadlift for Maximum Weight
Tire Flip
Atlas Stones
We donate 100% of the profits to the Chelsea Soldiers Home. This is a home for veterans who have nowhere else to go. We also stipulate that all of the money goes directly to the vets and not to administrative costs. We like to see them use the cash for something they need or for some type of outing they can go on to make their days a little better.
Of course we can’t do this event without three things:
We have the athletes and sponsors covered. Each year a few companies come through big for us and this year is no different. We always have help from EliteFTS, Spud Inc. American Nutrition Center, Kayem Foods and MetRx. We also have quite a few local sponsors too.
We always need volunteers. This is where you the EliteFTS reader comes in.
We are a little short on strong guys or girls who are willing to do a long hard day’s work for no pay and some free pizza and beer after. If you are in the Boston area and can volunteer to help us out running the floor loading weights, setting up and breaking down I promise we’ll feed you.
If you are over 21, you can have a few beers after too.
If you area able to help out, shoot us an email at tracy@totalperformancesports.com or call the gym at (617) 387-5998 and let us know.
The event is this Saturday August 1st at 9:00 rain or shine.
If you can’t help out but want to see some great lifting, come on by. It’s only $10.00 at the door and as I said, all of the profits got to the Soldier Home. Every penny counts!
Training Stuff
My group just began meet prep for the TPS/RPS October powerlifting meet and so far so good.
We changed the format a little and have them squatting and pulling in some form twice week and I am confident this will give us better results.
The World’s Strongest Granny-Jane Stabile is also prepping for her next meet where we are shooting for a 400+ squat, a 200+ bench ad a 400+ deadlift in the 148’s. Jane did her first week of training for her meet this week as well and did pretty well.
Today we did some shirt work. She uses a Metal Jack bench shirt with a few tweaks.
On the menu today was 4x5 at an RPE 7 in the shirt with the goal of touching the weight before the day was over.
We used two sets of chain as well. Jane worked up to a solid 135 plus chains for a top set of 5 and we used a Manpon.
A Manpon is just a foam roller cut in half, sort of like a 1 Board, but you can sink into it a little.
On her last set we used the Manpon for the first 2 reps, then pulled it and made her touch.
Some of the best advice I ever got about shirt work came from Vincent DiZenzo. He has taught me many tings (as the Irish say) and we used one of the today.
“Learn to touch a light weight”.
135 is pretty light for Jane but with the added chain it got heavy at the top.
It took a little work to touch and we need to tweak her form just a bit, but she did it on the last 3 reps of her last set.
Goal accomplished.
One of my other training partners “The Chief” is also getting pretty good at the bench. She has made a lot of improvement over the past few weeks and finished the day with 4x5 at an RPE 7 with 115 plus 2 chains per side at 132 Raw.
I am confident she will smash a huge PR in October.
I will not bore you with my training except to say that I switched back for a feet out bencher to a feet tucked bencher and it is getting better. The hip actually feels pretty good the past few weeks and my bench is improving.
I am following the same meet prep cycle as the crew and will do a little test at the end of the cycle to see how I did.
I’ll let you know how that goes.
Next week I’ll give you some thoughts on the Floor Press and how to maximize it to build your bench press.
That’s all for this week.
Please join us Saturday for the Strongman show.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett
Vincere vel mori