So, Bran Shaw. Hmmmmm. He didn't win The Arnold and he didn't win The World's Strongest Man title in 2018.
You know, when I was fighting full-time I used to fight with every single person that would step into the ring with me no matter if they were a 400 lb Champion or a young kid with no experience because I knew that I could learn something from everyone and from every experience, even if I only learned that THEY WERE WRONG...I still learned. In Strength Sports I think that a lot of this mentality is completely lost.
For instance...how can people watch Eddie Hall videos and not take away the fact that he attempts to eat and recover harder than anyone else in The World? How did people miss that and still say that they STUDY Eddie Hall? How can people be more concerned with his Viking Press or Deadlift technique than the effort that he puts into recovery and nutrition?
Anyway...a few weeks ago Brian Shaw posted a YouTube video where he discussed his experience leading up to and at World's Strongest Man and his major foot injury. I began scrolling through the comments as well as commentary on some message boards about it and my mind was blown! The only thing people could see was either that he was "complaining" or that he is super tough to go through what he did with his foot and still compete (I won't argue with how tough he is!).
The fact that a WSM Title Holder can fight for another title (and still finish on The Podium) while tearing a tendon in his foot 6 weeks out, against some of the toughest lineups EVER is amazing. The way that he trained around his injury was simply GENIUS and I'm sure I'll probably do that exact same thing myself one day. But I don't think that is the major take away from all that Brian went through.
Being Prepared for a contest before you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE PREPARED is the thing that really stuck out to me. Most of us are looking to peak ON CONTEST DAY but when you don't have that luxury you had better be freaking ready a long time before then. Maybe we could all take a good solid page from his book. Heck, maybe we should all reconsider when and how we "deload" for a competition.
Either way...if you want to hear me give my thoughts (and laugh at little about Brian in the process) have a look here.