I've been gaining weight and size like crazy lately. If you have been following me on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter you will know that I readily consume over 7,000 clean calories per day. Now, the gurus of stretching and all things non-strong will tell you that you can be big and super mobile at the same time. Never in my 25 years of lifting have I found that I could gain and stay flexible at the same time. Too many factors in play!
1) I'm training hard, so my body is always sore and something is always a little out of whack.
2) I am eating a lot more than you think that I am. Yes, you've eaten 7,000 calories in a day but nobody cares about the time you ate two large pizzas at one setting. I'm eating clean foods every single day for months on end. My body is FULL.
3) When you are gaining like crazy and training like crazy it is super easy to have a small electrolyte imbalance. It is the difference between having a flat tire on your 1986 Mazda and a hot rod you are turning onto a Formula 1 car.
4) Notice that my head is a darker shade of red than my shorts...I was forcing my body into this painful position for a long time before I cramped.
A lot of factors go into cramping and the harder that you are forcing everything in your life the more at risk that you are for a severe cramp. It isn't just "hydrate and foam roll bro...". Till you've forced every meal for months and nearly killed yourself in the gym just as long, you don't understand flexibility, mobility, or moVility.
But it is still really funny to laugh at.