As a Strength Coach, my job is to work on a person's weakness, thus making that person stronger.
Too often I find that people are plain stupid and I believe that quote is..."You can't fix stupid"?
If someone does something wrong because they don't know it's wrong, you can't fault them because that's ignorance. But, if a person continues to do the wrong thing knowing better, that's just stupid and can't be fixed, and stupid is weak!
*For the record, the photo here of Carlos and me, he isn't stupid, nor is he weak.
Today's Training:
Run*: Slow and easy 3 miles
Cycle*: Commute in torrential rain (worse than yesterday)
Max Effort Bench: 2 RM with a pause on the chest
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 5x12
Cable Cross-over: 5x8
JM Press: 5x12
Various "Circus Tricks" Push-ups: A bunch x A lot but fun as heck
Cycle*: Commute