If you want to be more successful than 85% of the people, "Show Up". Just show up for your job, school, or position on the sport field, ice rink, or gym. 85% of the people DON'T show up. They tell you that they are, some will even go so far to tell you that they are on their way when you call them.
To be more successful than 90% of the people..."Show Up On Time" .
More and more people have no idea that being late is five minutes before you were asked to be anywhere. I haven't worn a watch, or use an alarm clock, but I have ALWAYS been a minimum of 10 minutes early. I like to have people walk up and ask me if I have been waiting long, so I may answer them..."yes".
To be more successful than 95% of the population..."Show Up, On Time, Dressed and Ready to Play"
Being dressed means the uniform of the day. What ever YOUR uniform is..Put it on. For me, it's a T shirt, and shorts. Really, that's it!!! BUT, my t shirt is clean and smells that way, my shorts are clean as well. My shirt is usually tucked when I am coaching and it becomes untucked when I am training. I DON'T take my shirt off in the gym which has become so popular amongst the Dunkin Fitness crowd. Although I qualify for a sleeveless shirt, I don't do it. Collar shirts just look stupid on me since my dome holder is 21" around. A collar makes me look even more like the top of a keg of beer.
Ready to Play, means BATTLE READY. I'm not going to need a warm up. I'm good to go, blow the whistle, let the game begin. I am not looking for my morning office coffee, or whatever the procrastination that takes place with GETTING ready. Shit, since I am earlier than most, I can get that done before.
I like to say "We get more things accomplished by mistake before 0500 than most people PLAN on in a week."
Ready to play means all the excuses are out of the way. The negative stink'n think'n is GONE. My (what ever) is sore...blah..blah..blah...No one cares and what difference will it make?
Just the simple fact that you haven't reached your goals, should be MOTIVATION enough. If you knew you couldn't fail, what is keeping you from getting it done?
Like I said in passing this morning...."Do Your Job"
1. Barbell Curl: super set w/
2. Cable Tri Push down:
3. D.B. Curl: super set w/
4. Supine DB Tricep Extension
5. Hammer Curl: super set w/
6. Dips
7. Seated Curl: super set w/
8. C/S Tricep Kick Back
9. Concentration Curl: super set w/
10. Cable Overhead Tricep Extension
All exercises are 5 sets of 20 reps.