Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.

I never make resolutions come the New Year.  However, I do set goals in three areas and that has helped me achieve!

The three area I focus on (in case you want to try this and don't have a clue where to start) are:

Physical, Social, Financial.

Since beginning this decades ago, it makes it easy to plot progress and see where you stand IF you check back monthly on your yearly plan.

Thought I'd throw that out to you, as April, Hunter and I will sit down and WRITE these down as we have always done.

Give it a try and if you have questions just "message" me here or on my Messenger.

Today's training I did:

5 sets of 13 reps of the following...


Incline DB Chest Press

Bench Press

Decline DB Chest Press

'Og: 5K

AirDyne: 20 minutes


Teams are to do:

Squat 5x20@ Bar only to one inch above parallel box Super Set w/ Split Squat body weight only for 5x20 on each leg
Rear Stepping Lunge body weight only 5x20 Super Set w/ Walking Lunge 5x20 each leg (do all 20 on one leg then the other) using 10 or 20 lb dumbells
Side Stepping Lunge: 5x20 with body weight only, Super set with straight leg dead lift with bar only 5x20
Calf Raise: 2x100
AirDyne (legs only) 15 minutes