We'll be officially starting the Wednesday after Memorial Day. Unofficially, it sounds like we'll be starting Monday the 13th. I have about 12-15 kids who aren't going home and want to get started. So, we will. I don't think we'll do the summer workout for those first two weeks. I may just give them direction and let them train and have some fun.
When we do officially start it's going to look like this:
There will be a introductory week (2 workouts) where we introduce the main lifts and get them re-acclimated to some higher volume work. The volume will be low, but the goal is to get the initial soreness out of them and get rolling the first Monday in June.
June Goals
- Build muscle (last real chance of the year to do this)
- Build base of conditioning
- Build weight room culture for the summer (we have about 25-30 kids "saying: they'll be here in June and another 20-30 "saying" they'll be here in July)
- Train 3 days per week: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (All of these kids have summer jobs. I'm limiting training to 3 days a week so they can get extra hours at work and so they can be college kids in the summer. These are non-scholarship athletes. I'm finding they have to be handled differently when school isn't paid for via scholarships.)
- Dynamic Warm-up/Jumps/Team Plank/Team Shoulder Health
- Hang Clean: 4x3
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Front Squat: 5x5
- Pull-ups: 5x10/5x5 (DT/OL)
- Bench: 3x5 (Wk 1: 70%/Wk 2: 75%/Wk 3: 80%/Wk 4: 85%)
- Abs (choice): 2x10-20
- Row (choice): 5x10
- Neck: 25/25
- Face Pulls or Pull-aparts: 50-100 (QB's have special Shoulder Health)
- RDL w/shrug: 3x10
- SB Hamstring Series: 2x5 each
- Team Abs: 100
- Conditioning: 1/2 Gassers (Wk 1: 10/Wk 2: 12/Wk 3: 14/Wk 4: 10 - deload) Done in 20 minutes at "their" pace
- Believe it or not, this workout will take them about 75 minutes to do start to finish
- Dynamic Warm-up/Jumps/Team Plank/Team Shoulder Health
- Clean Pull: 3x3
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Trap Bar: 3x5 (Wk 1: 70%/Wk 2: 75%/Wk 3: 80%/Wk 4: 85%)
- Abs (choice); 2x10-20
- Press (no leg drive): 5x5
- DB Squat: 5x10
- RDL w/shrug: 3x10
- PGH/Eccentric GH (OL/DL): 2x5
- Back Blast (choice of back exercises for 10 minutes): 75+ reps
- Neck: 25/25
- Shoulder 21's: 2x
- Team Abs: 100
- Conditioning: Drives (try to simulate game speed/rest intervals using Play Clock) all drives are 100 yards (Wk 1: 5-7/Wk 2: 6-8/Wk 3: 7-9/Wk 4: 5 - deload)
- Dynamic Warm-up/Jumps/Team Plank/Team Shoulder Health
- Hang Snatch: 3x3
- Hurdle-under: 2x3 each
- Squat: 3x5 (Wk 1: 70%/Wk 2: 75%/Wk 3: 80%/Wk 4: 85%)
- Abs (choice): 2x10-20
- Incline/FBB (OL/DL): 10/8/6/4/2
- Row (choice); 5x10
- Team Dips/Push-ups/Pull-ups Circuit: 50/50/25
- Team Abs (Their choice)
- Conditioning: Eagle Lake Hill (Wk 1: 6/Wk 2: 8/ Wk 3: 10/Wk 4: 6 - deload) Done in 20 minutes
- Olympic lifts are not officially tracked, but I'll take note and advise them on how to progress
- Conditioning has a minimum goal each week (listed). I'll tell the older kids to pay attention and make younger guys or guys that are out of shape do extra work. Obviously, if you're going to call someone out you're doing the extra work with them. The 20 minute time limit is a joke. Even the out of shape guys will get all the required reps before 20 minutes is up. I'm doing this to get guys to push themselves and their teammates without me being the driving force.
- This is subject to change as I see fit or whenever I feel like it. In the summer, especially, I like to give the kids incentives if they've been busting their asses. I also like to throw in variety with the little stuff to keep their minds fresh.