Summer training is upon us. This spring was a unique situation for us, so I recommended the guys to take 3 weeks OFF. They've been practicing and playing football since January 18th. Mentally and physically they need a break.
As we (they - on their own, unfortunately) get back into training I'm focusing on two things.
- Try to correct imbalances that are inevitably created during a season. This will be accomplished with Single-leg work, DB work for the upper body and general mobility.
- Build muscle mass and increase overall work capacity.
This issue that I'll run into is that most of the guys will not do what they're supposed to do. Very few will just follow the program. There's nothing I can do about this so I just have to deal with it and account for it. Even though the next cycle has certain goals, I will carry over the goals of this cycle to make sure that nothing is neglected.
I'll use a Main Lift and 2 Circuits to accomplish these goals. Everything about this training cycle is about volume and work capacity. This is a tremendous amount of work. Even if they do take 3 weeks off, they've been training since January 18th. They'll be out of lifting shape, but they won't be detrained.
After a Dynamic/Mobility Warm-up the basic template will look like this:
- Main Lift (Squat/Bench/Trap Bar)
- Warm-up sets: 2x5
- Work Sets: 5/5/5x5 at the top weight
- Circuit 1 - 3 Rounds - sets done every minute on the minute
- BB Single-leg (RFESS/Reverse Lunge/Lateral Squat)
- Upper Push (preferably with DB's)
- Upper Pull - Horizontal
- Circuit 2 - 3 Rounds - sets done every minute on the minute
- Hinge (RDL/GHR/Good Mornings)
- Upper Pull - Vertical
- Rear Delts
- Abs
- 100 reps - their choice
- Pipes
- Biceps/Triceps - 30-50 reps each
- Mobility
- 6 movements to finish workout
My warm-up is very mobility oriented. I'll list what we do, but I name things that aren't necessarily what the "guru's" call them.
Dynamic/Mobility Warm-up
- Prisoner Squat: 5 reps
- Catcher Stretch: 5-10 seconds
- Push-up Position: Hold 3-5 seconds
- Spiderman Right: Hold 3-5 seconds
- Spiderman - Elbow Drop: Hold 3-5 seconds or reps
- Spiderman - Reach: Hold 3-5 seconds or reps
- Spiderman - Reach Opposite: Hold 3-5 seconds or reps
- Push-up Position: hold 3-5 seconds
- Spiderman Left - Repeat progression on left leg
- Push-up Position: Hold 3-5 seconds
- Inch Worm - Hold hamstring stretch 5-10 seconds
- Split Squat: 5 reps each leg
- Lateral Squat: 5 reps each leg
- Reverse Snow Angels: 10 reps
- Push-ups: 10 reps
- Cross Connects: 5 reps each or Sit-ups: 10 reps
- Single-leg Glute Activation: 5 reps each
- Scorpions: 5 reps each
- Single-leg Hip Extension: 5 reps each
- Forward Rolls: 3-5 reps
- Cartwheels: 3-5 reps
- Broad Jumps (variations): 5-10 touches
My guys understand exactly what I want done. Truthfully, they could take themselves through this without me they know it so well. This whole deal takes about 10 minutes when I'm on top of my game.
Post-workout we usually do 3 Mobility movements that target the lower back/hips/hamstrings, thoracic spine and shoulders. Sometimes we'll do a few static stretches and be done.
I have no planned running for this part of the program. I want to take these 3 weeks and build as much muscle as possible. As we all know, running is the anti-Christ of building muscle. This time of year and during winter break is the only time they really get to just get away from running. I always recommend taking 2-4 weeks away from running.
If this looks like something you'd like to employ with your teams this summer I would keep it to 2-4 weeks. Four weeks of this is probably a little bit long, but it's not the end of the world. The percentages I'm using are 60%/65%/70%. If you go 4 weeks start with 55%. Once we finish we'll go right into a 75% week and the next cycle begins.
Hope this gives you some ideas.