First day off in over a month. Couldn't sit still so I decided to get a lift in. I chose the rec center so I could stay out of the weight room. Plus, they have a good Trap Bar.
- Trap Bar: 240x5/265x5/290x10
- Pull-ups: 10x5
- Played around on some different chest machines for about 100 reps
Nothing special. I'm going to finish this cycle I started this week. It doesn't line up perfectly with me going to Wendler's for our Winter Festival, but it's close enough.
Thinking ahead to winter break, I'm not sure if I'll start a cycle or just train as heavy as I feel like training until I get back from Arkansas (10-12 day around Christmas). As usual, I may or may not train on vacation. If I do I might just do machines. With my shoulder I'll be limited.
As with football, I am doing some thinking about how I'll train this winter-summer. I don't have anything really concrete, but every time I come up with some fancy new idea I always revert back to what I enjoy and what I know works for me.
My initial thoughts are:
- Main Work: 5's Pro or the Original 5/3/1
- FSL: 5x5 or BBB: 5x10
- Big Assistance: Weighted Pull-ups, Rows (BB, DB, T-Bar)
- 3-4 Assistance movements: kind of a "fill in the blanks" style (if I Squat I'll do something for hamstrings - if I Deadlift I'll do something for the quads...)
We'll see if this comes to fruition.