Back in the late 70's and even into the 80's Nautilus Training while still popular was seeking new methods of using the equipment.
One of the more intense workouts was a SUPER slow motion rep. Since the goal is time under tension, instead of increasing the tension, we would increase the duration or time of EACH rep.
This type of training more often than not calls for a reduction in weight being used the first time doing it.
It also requires an UNBELIEVABLE amount of discipline and focus.
Since each rep is done as slow as you can move the weight along the range of motion WITHOUT it stopping and jerking (means you are going TOO slow) and knowing that a muscle can withstand roughly a minutes worth (depending on size of muscle group) of high intensity contraction the rep count is brought down to a whopping 5 reps.
During the prolonged rep and set, focus is paramount on what the body is trying to accomplish under load.
Example, the lat pulldown. Everyone wants to load that bad boy up and yoke the crap out of it, using as much of the stack as you can while remaining in the seat.
The exercise becomes a LOT of elbow flexing and not a lot of focus on the depression and retraction of the scapula and the major muscle used in doing so.
Here you get the chance to really and I mean REALLY focus on the proper movement pattern that causes the bar to move down onto your chest or back of the neck (more later on this). By visualizing the lat, teres, rhomboids, lower trap and the rest of the movers contracting, you have a chance to FEEL the blood gorging the muscle.
As the muscle fatigues, the body is thrown into muscle fribulation and if kept stimulated will achieve tetni, or the inability to contract or as the Old Nautilus people would call it..."Momentary Failure".
The frib portion is what makes the user of the Super Slow method look as if he/she is convulsing, or as I barked..."Hey I look like Michael J. Fox" (some won't get that reference)
M.J.Fox has Parkinson Disease and he has uncontrollable shaking.
Heres the lay out
Slight reduction in the normal weight that you use
Move the weight as slow as you can without it stopping or jerking in the process
Do five sets of Five reps of the following:
Lat Pulldown behind the head to the top of the shoulders with a HUGE forward lean
V bar to the chest. Keeping the low back arched and sitting straight up. (watch smashing your nose)
C/S Row on the horizontal handles
Preacher Curls w/ the Zig Zag Bar
Tricep Rope Push Downs
Fat Gripz Hammer Curls