Surround yourself with people who are on the same quest as you.
If you want to get stronger, hang out with five strong people and you'll be the sixth.
Likewise, if you want to get fat??? Hang out with five fatties and you'll be the sixth.
If you choose slothfulness, five lazy friends will do the trick.
And if being a total strong, enduring, honeybadger tough as nails is your intended path...
Find five others and you'll get there.
Today's Training:
Run: Easy (and by easy I mean slow) 3 miles
Cycle: Commute
Rear Delt Raise: Using Cables. 4x15; 1x30
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10;1x20
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
Shrugs: 4x10;1x25
"LARA" Abs: 3x10 I need a seminar to explain what a "Lara Ab" is. But might be worth the price of admission.
Cycle: Commute. Deadly close to getting run over by yet another car. California drivers are by far the worst! Out of the nine lives I've been given, I'm starting to run low.