Special Thank You to Ken Kinakin if SWIS for putting these clips out and for everything else he does. You can see our Table Talk Podcast HERE. Keep your eyes out for SWIS 2020! Follow their IG below for more clips and updates on SWIS 2020.
Dave Tate - Live - Learn - Pass On
Here is a SWIS Classic Video Clip with David Tate discussing Live...Learn...Pass on... the essence and importance of it...and how it affects your life and business...
So the live, learn, pass on basically means to condense it down, living. And this is what EliteFTS does. This is the thing. Everything that we do is this is why. All right, living. We wanna have people who are our target market that place training as one of the top four priorities of their life. That can either be as a coach. It could be as a practitioner. Or it could be as an athlete. But that's what it is. That's what they live. But that's not their entire life. They still have balance. They still understand that there's other things. Remember I said top four priorities. Not sayin' it's the fourth It could be the first. You're a pro athlete? A lot of times it's the first. I was a power lifter for a really long time and it was first above my family, kids and everything else. Should it have been? Can't go back and change it. It was. So top four covers quite a bit. But there's four. Living, we only go around once. So you don't wanna run a company you fuckin' hate. You don't wanna run a company, that when you lay down at night you're like "Yeah, I fucked them today." You know, I don't. You know, you wanna run a company that you take pride in that you're making some type of difference.