Dave Tate's primary aim is Live, Learn, and Pass on. Dave has always been about teaching and passing on training wisdom to others. So I am creating a Dave Tate SWIS Scholarship. We will be selecting 2 people that have taken Dave Tate's and EliteFTS wisdom and passed it onto others in the form of seminars, or blogs or teaching it in schools or in your gym or any other way that impresses and inspires Dave and I.
The SWIS Scholarship will allow you to get a free registration to SWIS 2018. And Dave is also going to give you a $500.00 gift card to be used at EliteFTS. The total scholarship will be over $1000.00 value.
Application is free. All you need to do is send me a couple of paragraphs of how you have taken Dave Tate's wisdom and passed it onto others. That's it.
I will review them and will also send them to Dave to review. SWIS Scholarship Application ends Sunday Oct. 14 midnight with the winner announced Tuesday Oct. 16. This scholarship is non-transferable and also cannot be turned in for cash.
This is for people who cannot afford to come to SWIS 2018...but want to come. Dave told me in the summer to use his presentation honorarium and apply it to people who want to come to SWIS and can't afford it. I am honoring that discussion and Dave upped it by also including a $500.00 gift card. Dave walks his talk.
So don't delay. Start putting some thoughts down on paper and send it to my email address.... swisadmin@gmail.com. I look forward to reading some inspiring stories of passing on Dave Tate's wisdom.
Dave Tate will not be presenting at SWIS 2018. There are a number of reasons, but the most important is due to a business conflict of Dave moving his web site to a new platform. There is over one million pages of content that needs to be moved over before November 1, which has increased Dave's workload an incredible amount. I fully agree with this decision and look forward to seeing the new web site. www.swis2018.com @underthebar
- Ken Kinakin