It’s funny how when we are sick, we can think of nothing more than how much we appreciate our bodies, and how we just want to get better again. Yet, the moment we begin feeling better, we suddenly shift to taking life for granted again, and forget all about the true miracle of being healthy.
Today's Training:
C/S Row:
DB Supine Tri Ext:
Lat Pulldown:
Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown:
FreeMotion Hi to Lo Pulldown Supination of hands:
Dips: 4x50
Bike Commute: 18 minutes I'm really going to kill someone one day if they don't look up from their phones. I whip through the BART station (our local commuter train station) and those people don't realize how close an injury truly is.
5K Run: I have no idea how fast this was, I don't wear a watch. But my fat ass dog couldn't keep up. I'm going to consider dropping him from the program on the long days.