I haven’t been able to write a log for a while because TPS moved, again. But today I’m going to have you Take a Video Tour of the New Total Performance Sports Location with me.
First up let me clear up some fake news that has been out there.
We didn’t move because we wanted to, or because I am getting old and about to retire, or any other bullshit like that.
We moved because we had to. And yes, this is our 5th and final move. I tried to buy most of the locations we were in so we'd never have to move, but it didn't work.
I made an above market offer and the landlord rejected it because she had a massive personal issue over something that I will not go into here. Let's just say that I'm not lying in court for anyone. She also would not let me make a counter offer. I predicted that if I gave her a bag of cash with 50 million in it, she would not sell to me for any amount. And she sold it for $100,000 more than my first offer which I would have paid.
Anyway, the new owner took over and he is a good guy. But the rent went up.
A fucking shitload.
And it was scheduled to go up again in a few months. A total of an over 60% increase in rent is not sustainable and we were hemorrhaging money because of this. No the rent isn’t what you think it is. Let’s say that it would have been OVER $25,000 a month.
This meant we had to move. Or close forever.
I found a great spot and I’m about to take you on a Video Tour of the New Total Performance Sports Location soon!
The new spot is smaller and it seems a little tight now, but please bear with us.
We’ve only been open a few days and we are sorting the floor plan out. We have everything you need, maybe not everything you want to get STRONG(er). And we are adding an outside training area that will have a lot of cool stuff.
Many members said the new spot reminds them a lot of the Victoria Street spot. I feel the same way.

Let me take a back step and say that there are no words or emotions to describe the level of thanks I have for everyone who pitched in their free time and volunteered to move the gym.
We took possession of the space August 1st, started cleaning, painting and buildout.
On August 3rd an ARMY of friends, members and past members showed up to move the gym, and they did. Almost everything got moved in one day.
The TEAM got to work and we broke our asses (mostly them) and got the gym open on August 9th.
In nine days we built out a new spot, and moved a 10,000 square foot gym.
That is fucking amazing.

I wish that I had the words to express how thankful I am to all of the people who helped.
I’ll try to come up with something.
So, with all of that out of the way, come with me and Take a Tour of the New Total Performance Sports Location by watching the video below!
Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
August 16, 2024