You are either a risk taker or you are not a risk-taker. No in-between here.
If you DON'T take risks, you'll NEVER win big!
Just make sure they are CALCULATED RISKS....
Today's Training:
Run: 5K
Pull-ups: 6x2
Dips: 6x5
Chin-ups: 6x2
Push-ups: 6x5
Floor Press from 3 board height: Work up to a five reps that are VERY hard. Then add 10 lbs and do two more sets of five
Tricep Pushdown: 7x5x very heavy
OHP: 5x10
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 (full range)
Shrugs: 4x8
Mini Band Pullaparts: 4x25
Bike Commute: 30 mins