The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is geared to the new to intermediate powerlifter. LIVE, LEARN and PASS ON.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: TEACHING AND LEARNING PART II
This Week’s Coaching Log:
As a continuation of our coaching log last week, we look again into the world of real life experiences as teachers. Experience is in fact the best teacher as actually doing something provides the nuanced value that an explanation, even with guided practice simply cannot. Physically going through the mechanics, thinking on the spot, correcting, adapting and feeling the words you have verbally been taught come to life through experience, is the ultimate teacher.
In last week's coaching log we featured big Stephen Whitmer, Monster Garage Gym’s coach/teacher of our Sunday beginner strongman classes, gaining more real life experience at Strongman Corporation’s, IL State Strongman Championships a couple weeks back. This weekend he competed again, this time at the Forge Fitness Strongman Challenge, and this time with some of his Monster Garage Gym’s strongman crew; his strongman class co/teacher Denny and new to strongman, athletes Sarah and Aleila.
Stephen continues to compete as the more competitions he does, the better strongman competitor he becomes and the more effective of a teacher of strongman he will be. I say this because there are many reasons to compete. Sometimes to gain competition experience in general, sometimes to learn the nuances of the meet itself so when the bigger meets come the lifter is not falling prey to mistakes that can lose him/her the meet. Sometimes to win championships or set records, and like with Stephen, to gain valuable insight that can be passed onto the strongman competitors he coaches and teaches in our Sunday strongman classes.
As I elaborated on last week, if you are a certified trainer/coach and have not competed or have only competed in a meet or two, it would behoove you to join the competitors in the arena and put what you teach to the test. From there you can make any modifications to your own training, and likewise, your client’s training, as you help them in the pursuit of their lifting goals.
Also to repeat some of the lesson from last week, if you are a client in search of a trainer/coach, inquire how many times your potential trainer/coach has competed. We are not saying that an online certification alone is not a valuable bit of education, as it does have its place for sure. But what we are saying is that reading about doing something and actually having done that something are two completely different levels of the educational experience. Experience is the best teacher, and teachers with the experience produce the best students. If this were not the case, we would all watch the best youtube ‘here is how you lift it’ video and be world class powerlifters and strongman/women competitors.
In Illinois, the land of Coan and Frantz and all things strong, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a strongman competition somewhere in the state, each and every weekend. My guess this stands true in your state as well. For the newbie to intermediate powerlifter or strongman/woman competitor, take your newly found powerlifting and strongman skills and put them to the test in the arena of sport and I 100% guarantee you when you step foot back at your gym and begin post-meet training, you will start that new training cycle with a completely different perspective. A perspective that only the lesson of experience can provide for you. Simply put: TRAIN, COMPETE, LEARN, APPLY, REPEAT.
The accompanying video is footage of Monster Garage Gym’s Sunday, beginner strongman/strongwoman classes coach, Stephen Whitmer along with some of his Sunday crew competing at the Forge Fitness Strongman Challenge this past weekend.
Wishing all of our weekly coaching log readers the best in your training and competitions. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher, Owner: MONSTER GARAGE GYM
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MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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