It took me a while to get this meet report done but it is done.
Nope it's not Hemingway but I do my best.
Below is the meet report from my site.
I am very proud of all of my lifters and how well they did.
"TeamTPS competed at the RPS New England Revolution Powerlifting meet over April Fool’s weekend in Sterling Connecticut.
We also had many gym members compete as well.
As usual, Gene and Amy ran an outstanding meet. RPS meets are fun and efficient. They ran over 200 lifters in double sessions on Saturday and Sunday and everything went smooth like clockwork.
Thanks to my friend Brain Shaw for hosting the meet again too.
OK, on to the meat and potatoes of what happened.
We had the following TeamTPS lifters perform as follows:
Danielle Bond placed first in 198 Raw Modern division and hit a 300 Squat, a 170 Bench Press and a 365 Deadlift for an 835 pound total.
She also set the record for the bench, the deadlift and total in her class!
These lifts were all PR’s!
The squat was a PR of 40 pounds, the bench was a PR of 15 pounds, the deadlift was a PR of 40 pounds and her total was a PR of 95 pounds.
She is an up and coming lifter to watch.
Kevin Cann: highest total Saturday 198 which was good for second place in his class.
Kevin ended up with a 365 Squat, a 285 Bench Press and a 500 pound Deadlift for an 1150 RAW total.
He is improving every meet and doing very well for someone this new to the sport.I expect big things.
Olivia Durgin did her first meet and we kept her very conservative hoping to go 9 for 9.
Olivia hit a solid 230 Squat, a 140 Bench and a 330 Deadlift for a 700 pound total.
Her total was good for first in the Junior 198 weight class. I predict that Olivia will be CRUSHING world records in a few years.
Nicole Giggie had a great day too! She finished with a 230 Squat, a 120 Bench and a 295 Deadlift for a 645 total.
Giggs tied for first placed in her class and hit a 20 pound full meet PR. She got second in the class due to a tie breaker that went to the lighter lifter.
Polly “The Jedi” Heater continued to piss excellence finishing with a 220 Squat, a 120 Bench and a 290 Deadlift for a 630 total.
This earned her first place in the 165 pound Master’s division.
Kim Stabile had a great day too. She ended up with a 250 Squat, a 165 Bench and a 280 Deadlift for a 695 total.
Kim’s total was good for first place in the 198 Raw Classic Amateur, and she set a New England record for Bench (175).
Carlos Moran had a bad day due to a severe weight cut and did not complete the meet. We are going back to the drawing board and getting him on the right path. He is a very promising lifter and will be back killing it soon.
We also had Danielle Nguyen of our Front Desk team do her very first meet and she took second place in the Amateur Raw Classic 148 class.
Rostyslav Kharchenko competed in the Raw Modern Pro 242 Open division and smashed a 635 squat, a 445 bench and a 630 deadlift for a killer 1710 total!
Robert Ankenbauer, one of our members take first place with a 1050-pound total (340,300,410) in the 198 Raw Classic Submaster division.
Finally, Jessica Rache formerly of TPS, now on the South Shore had a great day and hit a solid 240-pound Bench Press! I had to include Jess as she is still a part of the family.
I’d like to thank all of the TPS members who came down to the meet to support all of the lifters. I’d also like to thank my coaches/helpers who came to assist including Russ Smith who is like my right arm at meets and in the gym, Matt Buckingham, Sabra Mitchell and Candace Kucsulain who is not only an unbelievably talented coach and lifter, but was just voted one of the Top 10 Hottest Girls in Metal (she is the lead singer for Walls of Jericho).
Oh and I almost forgot, Russ and Matt decided to jump in the meet at the last minute and Deadlift only on Sunday after working all day on Saturday. Russ hit a 620 Deadlift and Matt hit 605. Not too bad for not training for it!"
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Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
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