The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: TECHNIQUE MATTERS
The last couple of coaching logs we have dedicated to our Active Military and Veterans, and with Veterans Day just around the corner (as of this writing) it seems befitting to continue and feature these powerlifting members of our armed forces.

Photo: Active military and veterans at the MONSTER GARAGE GYM, MILITARY MUSCLE FOUNDATION deadlift seminar.
In my recent article CLICK HERE about my experiences at the EliteFTS S4 Compound, I mentioned the Powerlifting Experience II session at the S4, and a moment from that entire day that was a standout for me and many coaching at this event. Here is the clip: [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl2pY6g2cFE]

Photo: Give-a-ways from ELITEFTS and UNIVERSAL NUTRITION for our active military and veteran powerlifters.
This clip represents what Dave Tate has been driving home for years and that is that “technique matters,” vs simply, “lift heavy sh*t!” Lifting heavy is essential, but doing so with sub-par form after time converts into plain and simple sub-par performance and can ultimately end in injury, neither of which serve the competitive powerlifter.
Recently in a partnership between, Monster Garage Gym, the Military Muscle Foundation, EliteFTS and Universal Nutrition, the Monster Garage Gym hosted a FREE Deadlift Seminar and Deadlift Party. This was a FREE deadlift seminar for any Active Military and Military Veteran lifters. It was an afternoon of deadlift technique and raising awareness of Veteran and Active Duty suicide (every day, 22+ active military and veterans take their own lives). As a symbol of thanks to these men and women, there were amazing give-a-way prizes courtesy of the mighty ELITEFTS and UNIVERSAL NUTRITION. In addition, funds were raised to support the Military Muscle Foundation.
In total 34 powerlifters, some active military, some veterans came to this event, some with a few years of experience in powerlifting, but most with under a year of powerlifting experience. If the raw power, work ethic and character displayed from these men and women is any indicator of the US military over all, we are in damn fine hands as they were all quite impressive. The bonus is (and some of you reading this who coach know the importance of this all too well) these folks can take and order and implement it. The instructors from the Monster Garage Gym worked with these mostly newer to the sport lifters, and at the end of the day, these 34 powerlifters produced 31 p.r.’s in the deadlift. This was pretty affirming as some had just competed the weekend prior in a full meet.
What we saw play out at the M.G.G. was not 31 of the lifters miraculously getting strong(er) but 31 powerlifters tapping deeper into their strength reserve via improved technique. As we all know, when newer lifters go all out, the technique can take a back seat to familiarity, and this was evident. Having said that, for the, let’s say 5 things we honed with a lifter, they maintained 2-3 or them for the max pull and even that makes a huge difference.
Two takeaways from this coaching log are as follows. First, being exposed to corrected technique alone will only take you so far. Working with the powerlifter in a seminar can show you the path, but it takes loads of work, loads of practice to build the neural pathways to make something new feel like second nature. So take away number one, take your learned information and practice it until your technique is perfect even under the heaviest of weights. This will be the job now of these new-to-the-sport lifters.
The second takeaway is that overall, and by a long shot, the world of powerlifting is a positive one where iron sharpens iron and a lifter helps their brother/sister lifter. It can often feel like the power game is teeming primarily with those who spend their time finding fault in others rather than working to build them up. The reality is they are the few, the insignificant who have to be loud as they have nothing of worth to say, and they need to cast aspersions as a way to take the light off of the fact that they are going nowhere in their life. This seminar happened because of the generosity of Dave Tate from EliteFTS, from Jeff Rhodes from Universal Nutrition, with the collaboration of the M.G.G. and the Military Muscle Foundation, with the help of folks like Steve Johnson from Chicago Barbell, people like Sam Merrill, Ronald Legaretta, Robert Bain, Andrew Carroll, Ben Thomas, Jeff Peitka, Sarah Scantlin, Dean Brady, Josh Gregory, Brendan Tayor, Big Rich Auxer (operations M.G.G.) and Dawn Maroscher (co-owner M.G.G.) Too much ammonia amps over the years, so I apologize if I left your name out.
The accompanying video features a few moments from this seminar. [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OzU2WFLdP8&feature=youtu.be]
Wishing you the best in your training and competitions. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher, Owner: MONSTER GARAGE GYM
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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