There are many forms of Leadership and to me that includes the words Coaching/Mentor.
However, you can lead from either the front or the back. There is no middle of the road type teaching.
One way, whips and hollers and berates the people under your charge. Much the way a Horse Team Jockey does it.
Focusing on individual weakness' and keeping them the focal point of the lessons.
The other way is actually "leading" people through example and positive reinforcement of the things they are doing correctly.
The "follow me" type of teacher builds people up rather than smashing them down.
Understand, everyone has weakness. But to constantly point that weakness out, is a way to maintain or increase the weakness.
For me, the moment I tell someone NOT to do something, they do it!
It's not as easy at it would seem to say to the person in question to DO something a certain way and leave out the NOT.
It is so easy to focus on a little tiny black spec of pepper that is floating inside a glass of milk, than it is to focus on the entirety of the white milk!
Example. During a squat today, I told a person to "sit back on the box as if they were sitting back on a toilet bowl". The participant did exactly as I asked. The moment I got cute and added, "because if you bend your knees first instead of your hips, you'll sit down and mess up the floor, so don't bend your knees first". What do you think they did? Yup, immediately bent their knees, they came forward and the person now realized how they missed the toilet bowl.
Had I NOT mentioned the flaw, he would have been fine. He was on the FIRST rep!
Lesson learned...Focus on what the person does CORRECTLY. Criticize without condemning. Limit or eliminate the word "DON'T"!
Cable Decline Chest Press: a bunch of warm up sets x 10 reps
Decline Rack Scrape Press: Bring the weight down to an 5 count. Pause on the chest for a three count, then BLAST that son of a b!tch back up. Work up until you can't BLAST it up.
Then drop 10% and rep out
Drop another 10% an rep out again
Flat Bench Press: Same technique as above
Incline Bench Press: 2 sets of max reps at 205 and 185
"Y""T""L"s: 3x15 reps in each
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Band Lateral Raise while attached to TWO Captain of Crush "S"s: Closing the CoC, 4 sets of 10 reps with a hold at the top for a two count.