I surely enjoy reading everyone's log that we have here on EliteFTS.
All the Team members have been hand selected to bring a strength of their own to the table and not necessarily be a carbon copy of anyone else here.
I do like a certain few of whom I will follow religiously because of a certain "kinship" I feel with them. ( I feel like I'm talking to twins when I say, I love you both very much...but I do like one more than the other, but I can't tell you which one....)
Vinny D is one of those SPECIAL people I feel akin to.
We have carried on quiet conversations and loud raucous laughter within minutes of seeing each other.
We continue dialog on line, and in private, sharing ideas and opinions.
He wrote today about his 100+ pound loss and his fitness journey thus far and how he wrestles with his image even today.
See here: https://www.elitefts.com/coaching-logs/operation-be-less-fat-negative-thoughts-and-dealing-with-body-issues
Which had me thinking about how often WE ALL focus on what is NOT instead of what is.
Take this for an example. You pour a big tall glass of milk and place it on the table. Then out of the spice cabinet you get the pepper shaker and place ONE small spec of pepper on top and in the middle of the big tall glass of milk. Where does you eye get immediately attracted? Yes, to that small spec...a blemish...and you forget about all the whiteness that surrounds that abnormality.
So it is with each of us, we NATURALLY tend to focus on the small blemishes and/or specs that take all the goodness out of focus.
I have in years past used the blemishes of my life to motivate me towards a goal.
You are either moving towards something you want, or away from the things you don't want...THAT is motivation.
To tell someone that they shouldn't put so much emphasis on their short comings is like telling a person to forget about a part of themselves that they ARE. That doesn't need to be.
I tell Vinny...use it to your advantage my friend. But don't lose sleep over it.
Reward yourselves at unspecified intervals as Positive Reinforcers. THAT keeps you EXCITED (not motivated) to pursue the dream.
That was Pavlov I believe...
Take time to love what you have become, and in the process of becoming.
To focus merely on the end is anti climatic. "The End" is an entirely different subject.
Today's Training:
Bench Press:
Work up to 60% of a 1 rep max doing 10 reps
Once at weight do 5x10
Harder than expected. By set three the un used system fatigued only in a HUGE way
DB Chest Press:
Work up to a heavy 8 reps. Then do three more sets.
Overhead BB Press:
Then perform:
Bottom Isometrics 2x1@60%
Mid Isometrics: 2x1@60%
Top Isometrics: 2x1@60%