Thankful? Yes. Destination Reached? Never.
This Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks to something that I will never accomplish: reaching my dream.
I've come to realize that the pursuit of a dream tends to bring much more fulfillment than actually seeing it come to fruition. It is on the path of achievement that I have appreciated my greatest successes in life. For me, the joy has always been in the process, and powerlifting is perhaps the greatest example. I have never reached my dream in lifting and most people never do. Once I started lifting and began my journey toward a specific goal, a new and yet bigger one soon replaced it. It’s been more than 30 years spent in an endless pursuit of chasing a dream that I'll never see—and for that, I am forever grateful.
In this endless journey, I have forged some of my greatest friendships. And, I've built a remarkable team that will continue to help me chase my dream long after my last PR is behind me. Chasing my dream has not only kept me active and lifting, but it has afforded me the opportunity to pick up some of the greatest travelers along the way—you. Though I'll never see my dream, I am thankful for the opportunity to now be able to help and inspire others in the pursuit of their dreams. You see, it is this chain of reciprocity that dreams continue to grow. You are the ones who will extend the journey in chasing a dream that none of us will ever see. Seeing isn't believing; believing is seeing. So even though I'll never see my dream, I am thankful because I believe it eventually will be carried on by all of you.
One of my favorite quotes that summarize this perfectly is from Mark Twain. However, I’ve added my own ending.
“20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. And, don’t worry if you never reach your destination. Just make sure to pick up travelers as you go and always keep your sails full.”
Dave Tate
Founder Elitefts.com Inc www.elitefts.com
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