Since I have everyone doing a low intensity high frequency Pre hab/ Re hab along with their main lift of the day, there is a LOT of goings on during any ONE training session. Which means if you aren't moving, you aren't finishing.
Many are already showing signs of its success. (I may be onto something here?)
As I walked by Chris today, he leans into me and says, "hey Coach...there's a whole lot of not bad going on here today"
Well, credit is given when credit is due. I chuckled and looked around and EVERYONE in that moment of time was engaged in some sort of exercise and no one was lip'n around. (If you don't understand by now, we speak a minimum of three languages in my gym. English, Something LIKE English and a whole lotta bullshit)
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 min.
2x15 of the following:
Reverse Hyper
Back Ext
Side Flexion
Suspended Knees to Elbow
Cable Fly
Push ups
DB Lateral Raise
DB Rear Delt Raise
Main Lift:
C/S Row 3x10
DB Pullover: 3x10
Pull ups: 2x2;8x1
Chin Ups: 2x2;8x1
AirDyne or Concept II Row for the remaining time but nothing under 12 minutes.
Bike Commute: 17 mins.
And I was fasting because I needed to get my blood checked. I think I need more WD-40