I can say that we had a wild journey going from Cyprus to The USA...freaking wow. We woke up in Cyprus on Sunday morning (Saturday night in The USA) and finally went bed Tuesday morning USA time. Other than a minute or two of nodding off every now and again...we did not sleep.
It took me a few days of having my feet on The Bluegrass to get the moving but I got off to the local gym and tried to be as smart as possible.
The plan right off the bat was just to squat, deadlift, accessory lifts, and reverse hypers to unscrew my back. Then I needed another day where I could just get an upper body pump as well. Just a simple and easy plan and I can tell you that on both days I wanted to go harder and heavier but stopped early and held back. There is a difference between what I want to do and what I need to do.
Sunday: Day 1
Tuesday: Day 2
I also love the Duffalo bar and need a Reverse Hyper!