I will say that I set a PR SS Yoke Bar Box Squat today BUT it was not the best moment of my day. Lets be honest, I can't even remember my PR Box Squat but these 5 minutes made my life amazing...
Lately my son has been asking to come to the gym with me. Trying to get him away from his iPad I have picked up a few video games for him to play on my old (and I mean old) laptop. He begs to go to the gym with me so he can use the laptop while he is there and play video games. So far he has taken the laptop to the gym three times and has not taken it out of the case even once.
Today was no different. He spent 45 minutes playing with my cats, about an hour blowing bubbles all over everywhere, about 20 minutes (while I squatted) playing on his iPad and the rest of the time he did THIS... (I had no idea he did this till I reviewed the video at home)