Tuesday's are CRAZY. I don't know why, nor do I really care, but for some reason...my Tuesday's are PACKED with participation from the people I train.
Although I Empower folks to do understand WHY they are to do things, along with the HOW they should be done, there is a never ending stream of questions and coaching opportunities.
I tried in the past to train BEFORE the 5:00 AM crowd, but what I found, busy people need to take advantage of an open gym, regardless. So if I was in the gym at 0400, then SOMEONE would find reason to join me. So nixed that idea. Getting up earlier than 0300 six days a week makes me cranky.
Often I CAN work in with a few of my crew at 0500, but since it's summer and I am JAM'n that doesn't happen frequently enough, and there is a lot of me thinking..."I'll get to it later".
Guess what? LATER NEVER happens.
I don't think it's poor time management, I'm fairly organized.
I don't think it's poor Organization and Administration of the Day's Programming, I have plenty of room and work stations.
I found myself more than THREE times today, four people deep with questions about what I wanted THEM to do.
I could speak in my normal movie dialog and sarcasm, but it really isn't as bad as I am making it sound. After all...POOR ME, I wish I had less people so I could train? REALLY? How dumb is THAT?
I love the people that come to me for training. They are FUN as heck and many (if not all) have been to my home and are REAL friends. (that's another Pandora's Box and story for a later date)
I suppose missing a day's worth of training SHOULD be superseded by the improvement of those around you, that you have have taken the responsibility of COACHING and actually COACHED!
My training today:
4 way neck: 1x21x8.5
SS Yoke Bar Shrugs: 3x15x405
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x25
DB Front Raise: 2x15x20
Mag Medium Bar Pulldown: 3x15x170
Mag Medium Supinated Grip Pulldown: 3x15x170
This was done over the duration of 5 and half hours. Much like a set or two every 1/2 hour.
I ate two bananas and a bucket of fruit while in the middle of it.
Thanks for reading J.O'Keefe
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