I'm sitting here writing about what I did today for a workout so that some of you guys (and gals) can do it as well, when I see this? 40%? 30%? 20%? 10% Free wrist wraps? Free Shipping? WTF??? After you get the plan for today, go get some STUFF for the gym.
McGill Situps: 3x10 on each
Bird Dogs with major attention to the hips staying aligned 3x10 each
"Stir the Pot": 3x12 This is a front plank on a Stability ball elbow placement. Feet on the floor. Move the elbows with the hands folded in front of them as IF you were stirring a pot of stew (A BIG POT)
C/S Row: 10x3x110 on the EliteFTS Chest supported row. anyone having one of these knows that the long lever arm is a BITCH.
Pull ups: 10x3 BALLISTIC pulls. This was harder than I thought with my injured pec.
Rear Delt Destroyer with Kettle Bells: 1x60-40-20 x 35-26-18
The Mag "Bat Wing" V bar pulldown: 100 reps with 100 lbs in as few sets as possible. One guy today did it ONE freak'n set. Although he rested every so often, he never let go.
Dips: 15 degree bend in the elbow. These didn't hurt my pec as expected. 100 reps in as few sets as possible
Zig Zag Bar Curls: 100 reps with 85 lbs in as few sets as possible. I HATE curls.
Zig Zag Bar Cable Tricep Extensions: 100 reps with 100 lbs in as few sets as possible.