Crazy Love Created By Passing On
“When your baby is diagnosed with cancer – life changes. Suddenly you are confronted with the possibility that they won’t have ‘the rest of their lives’ to live out their hopes and dreams. You hope and you pray that they will, but you are also confronted with the frailty of life in a very real way. This is a rambling way of getting to my main point — how in the world do I thank someone who gives her something that I couldn’t? I mean, if she wanted a webkinz, I could and did get that for her. If she wanted pickles (or anything else for that matter!) at 11:30 p.m. in the hospital, her dad could and did do that. But for “Make-A Wish” to give her the opportunity to think of one thing she would love to do in her lifetime, and for elitefts™ to offer such a huge donation to make that happen… there just are no words to fully express the gratitude I have for them all. That is crazy love… I can’t think of another way to describe it. Every one of them has a special place in my heart. I will never forget their kindness to a little girl they had not even met when they agreed to give so generously.”
–Mother of a sponsored child
50 Wishes Is Still Not Enough
This is a quote I keep in my phone notebook and refer back to it continuously. This wasn’t from the first parent of a Wish Child EliteFTS helped grant a wish from and it wasn’t the last. With your support we have granted over 50 wishes since supporting The Make A Wish Foundation, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky in 2007. We’ve done this in several ways:
1. Granting The Wish
2. Private Donations
3. Gala Donations
4. Donating Our Time For Events
5. Profits From Seminar Sales
6. All Proceeds From MAW eBook sales
To stay within our yearly tradition, we are bringing back the MAW eBook sales with a twist!
The Best Training Templates You Will Find
Throughout this time off I have been cleaning out files and found some old manuals we used to give away with orders. One of these manuals struck my attention for several reasons. It is one that Jim Wendler wrote while still working for EliteFTS. At the time we had four employees; Jim, Kris, Traci and I. Jim and I decided this book would be great because of the number of questions we were answering on the QA. This was over a decade ago, before Facebook, Quara and Reddit. What we wanted was a manual with basic templates that would help people set up training programs fast, simple and easy.
I emailed Jim to get his thoughts on using this as the MAW book this year. His notes about this flooded us with memories. He would write a couple sections, answer a call about customer service, take another call to process an order, pack up the 4 orders we had going out that day, we would then eat a few taco pita’s, spend time online answering QA’s and emails, and then he went back to writing the manual.
There were far more than what was published but we didn’t want templates that were just made up and untested. We wrote tons of those (best guess - type templates) but neither of us felt right publishing them because they may not work for anyone.
Memories For A Lifetime
This was over a decade ago and looking back, there are so many memories that crack us all up. Jim wrote about some of them here.
I could write a book on some of the best movements, some that would make everyone laugh, other that would make all four of us laugh and some that only Jim and I would understand. The take away is some memories no matter how hard the work, how great the adversity, and how large the climb last a lifetime!
The funny thing is, at the time, the stress of owning the business was unbearable to me. Even today it still pushes the edges of my comfort zone… but the memories are awesome, amazing and I would not trade them for the World.
Making memories is why we got associated with MAW in the first place. Many of these kids have not had a long time to make memories like I write of – or like the ones that flooded back into your mind as you read this - but we can change that. Together we can help grant them that one wish that will not only impact them, but their families, their health and everyone they touch.
Creating memories by granting wishes.
We have decided to resurrect this training manual - Training Templates.
Here is the deal…
To get this $30.00 e-book all you have to do is purchase any of the MAW manuals located in this category and you will get the Training Templates e-Book for free.
After more than a decade many still feel Training Templates is the best manual ever created to help lifers put together a solid training template.
Keep in mind this is the free part. All of the other MAW manuals have been and continue to be the best selling e-books we’ve ever created.
There is a catch. We will only run this campaign until the end of the year.
This means you only have 3 days
Thank you for your support with this and helping make these wishes come true.
Dave Tate
Founder Elitefts.com Inc
P.S. – I special thank you to Jim Wendler for his help with this promotion, all he has done for Elitefts.com and the memories that will last a lifetime.
What is this manual about?
Originally produced as a soft cover manual, Training Templates by Jim Wendler provides easy to follow training templates for every level of powerlifting. Consisting of 14 different templates, this ebook has something for everyone, including the origin of the wildly popular: 5/3/1.
The Out of Shape Cycle
The Dave Tate Express
The Out of Shape, Out of Time, Out of Work Cycle
The Modified Vogelpohl Squat/DL Routine
I Need Some Mass
I Need Some Mass 2
The Nuts and Bolts
3 Days Per Week (The origin of 5/3/1)
The Speed Bench Sucks
Dave Tate Bench Cycle
The Bodyweight
The Twice A Week
Bob Youngs' Beginner Program
Using the Bench Shirt