I’ve had a few nutrition clients in this week for checkups and new plans and they wanted what it seems that 90% or more of what my clients want; FAT LOSS. They want to lose body fat. They want the Best Way to Lose Body Fat.
Sure, everyone has their own reasons such as:
- To look better nekkid
- Improved athletic performance
- Better health
- Their doctor told them to
- And many more
Whatever the reason is, it seems it is difficult for most people. Sure, they get a bang out of the gate in the first few weeks of following a customized meal plan, but then…..
Oddly, I try to talk most people out of getting a doing a Nutrition Consult with me for this exact reason. They follow the plan for a few weeks or even months and then drop off. The myriad of reasons I get are all over the place, but it all comes down to one.
Discipline. Or a lack thereof.
Soon, I’ll reveal the Best Way to Lose Body Fat, but you’ll have to bear with me for a moment.
When clients ask about a Nutrition Consult (diet/meal plan) with me I tell them it is simple but it is not easy. I’ll give you the key, but you have to unlock the door and walk through. You have to do the work.
Losing fat is not complicated. It really comes down to a few things with calories being near the top of the list. If you eat more calories than you burn, you won’t lose fat. It is as simple as that.
Here is an example I use a lot with people, and it is when they ask about weight loss.
Let’s say that we determine that you need to eat between 1800 and 2000 calories per day to lose weight and I tell you to get 1800-2000 calories daily from Snickers bars and whiskey. Will you lose weight after 30 days in a caloric deficit?
Almost every person says no, but the answer is YES.
Being in a caloric deficit effects a weight loss.
However, following the Snickers and whiskey diet, you will almost assuredly have less muscle mass, more body fat, an inflamed liver and shitty blood profile.
Now, how about we fine tune this example and adjust it for FAT LOSS?
If we determined that 1800-2000 calories a day is what you need for fat loss and we do that by consuming at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight and then making the rest of the calories left over from high quality, un-processed carbohydrate and healthy fats, will you lose weight and body fat while at the minimum, preserving muscle mass?
With that said, I am now going to give you the Best Way to Lose Body Fat.
Losing body fat boils down to a few things beyond caloric deficits. You must be accountable to yourself and have self-discipline.
- If you have accountability to yourself you will hold yourself to a higher standard.
- If you have self-discipline, you will not eat that candy bar, or donut, or drink that glass of wine, or 6 beers.
- Any coach, personal trainer, diet guru, or nutritionist who tells you otherwise is lying.
- Self-discipline and accountability are the keystones of fat loss, or any other endeavor. Without them, your project is doomed to fail.
I hope that I have simplified The Best Way to Lose Body Fat for you.
If I haven’t, here is a quick list:
- You must have self-discipline
- You must have accountability to yourself
- You must be in a slight caloric deficit (how much depends on how fat you are and your bodyweight)
- You must eat a lot of protein
- You must pay attention to all calories that you consume (liquid calories count)
- You should limit alcohol
- You must have a Hierarchy of Goals (Read the article on my site-tpsmethod.com on this)
- Getting a qualified sports nutrition expert to work with you will speed up the process
There you have the Best Way to Lose Body Fat. I hope it helps.
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