The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: (Log number XCVIII). THE BLEEDER
If your experience is like mine, your Mom used to say among other things, “Slow and steady, wins the race.” Funny how smart Moms' become the older we get. Well, my mom is in her 70’s and by now, she is a flippin' genius…..well, actually, I am just now realizing that she was always pretty smart.
This Mothers’ tale of the tortes and the hare applies perfectly to our body-abusive sport of powerlifting. Stick around a little while and you will see the shooting stars of the sport come and go. These are the lifters who go big, win big and burn out even bigger. Stick around for decades in the sport like the master lifter and you will see the shooting stars come and go, over and over and over again. They just don’t last as their bodies can’t put up with the non-self-regulating abuse that is put upon them. Stick around a few decades and you will also note the longevity of the truly great lifters, the longevity of lifters like Dave Ricks, Ed Coan, Brian Schwab and Sioux-z’ of the world (all with 2+ decades in the competitive game at the top of their weight class and federation).
This coaching log is somewhat of a celebratory coaching log as it features now, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, and Monster Garage Gym member, John Ponzetti. John is an example of “slow and steady wins the race.” Although not one of the great lifters, John is a very polished and successful powerlifter and possesses some of the essential traits that makes a lifter great, slow and steady, being one of them.
John is meticulous in his training, programming and nutrition. He is not the type of lifter who does the latest thing because it is the latest thing. John trains using methods that he has tried, honed and used for a length of time to see if that method is one that brings the best out of his body and produces bigger numbers. He is not one who gains or loses a lot of weight, but rather, slow and steady puts on some solid muscle over time while keeping his body fat to a minimum as a healthy powerlifter is one who can get the most out of their body. (That see-food-eat-food diet of the 1990’s is decades old now and as someone who also competed in the 1990’s I can tell you it not only doesn’t provide sustained success, but it never did, but that is a story for another time). John also never plays that, get dehydrated then rehydrate IV style game. His programming is based upon the Prilepins Table (newbies, Google that NOW!!!!) and that has served him as he slowly and steadily adds to his collection of international meet medals.

2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, John Ponzetti (left) Living Legend and The Godfather Of Powerlifting, Ernie Frantz (center) WPC Pres. Mike Sweenie (right)
Most of you have seen John in prior coaching logs as he is an outstanding powerlifter, and as a 52 year old Master lifter and he has just cleared off the shelf to hang up his second WPC World Powerlifting Championship medal.
As well-known as John is for his platform prowess, he is probably most well-known for his nose bleeds. You know, when you are 52 years old in the 198LB class and routinely training with 600-700LBS of weight, well, sometimes you spring a leak and thus the title of this log…..THE BLEEDER.
The take away for you with regard to this log is that if you are new or an intermediate lifter, don’t “go for it all” in one fell swoop. Chip away at the stone and learn as you train. Slow and steady is important because at the beginning of your carreer, you will make gains even if you have sub-par technique, your programming is bad and your sleep and nutrition is lacking. However, after time those things will be required and learning as you go, sticking with one method until you master it (you will not know if it works for you if you are not doing it correctly) then scientifically looking at your rest, training, sleep, nutrition, technique and programming to see where changes should happen…and with that said, change ONE variable at a time as changing several at once means you won’t know which change is the causational factor that is propelling your lifting forward.
We hope you enjoy this coaching log’s two videos….video one, THE BLEEDER, and video two from John’s first WPC World Powerlifting Championship win, ROAD TO THE WPC WORLD POWERLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Wishing you all the best in your training. Ever onward. Eric Maroscher: Monster Garage Gym
Equipment used in this coaching log training video:
• EliteFTS monolift, EliteFTS rackable cambered bar, EliteFTS Texas Squat bar, EliteFTS SPUD Straps, EliteFTS Metal Squat Suit, EliteFTS competition bench press, EliteFTS Mastodon bar, EliteFTS Texas Power bar, EliteFTS Texas Deadlift bar
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs/articles at this link: http://www.elitefts.com/author/eric-maroscher/
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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