The Crisis of Faith: Coaches, Trainers and Clients; the Most Important Article You’ll Read This Year

Yes I lead off with a bold statement and I stand by it. I urge you to read the whole article and share it!
Last year was a shit show, and so far, this year isn’t looking much better. Businesses are closing left and right and many are on life support. Physical and mental health are declining at high rates.
We all know why and this is not an article about the pandemic, it’s an article about the times when we have a crisis of faith, a crisis of our life selections. Times like these can make us all have them.
Not too long ago I was in the midst of one. I was hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
- If my business closes (through no fault of my own) what will I do?
- Where will I work and live?
- How will I support myself and my son?
- Why did I stay in this industry so long when it is a constant financial challenge and struggle?
- Why didn’t I just do something else that could have made me a lot more money?
- Why do I still do this?
These are all questions I have asked myself during crisis of faith times.
I’m sure you have too about something. Especially now, during these trying times (I hate that damn saying).
I had a few conversations with my son about this topic to make sure he knew if things got bad with the business I would find work and he would not even notice so there was no need for worry or concern. Kids are smart and they notice everything. I talk to my son a lot about adult topics like this and it is my way of teaching him life lessons. I hope it’s working.
Anyway, these conversations always led back to what countless gym owners facing closure of their businesses and unable to work trainers and coaches ask themselves during times like these:
Why do I do this?
Talking with my son I explained that I do this because I love it.
- I have a burning passion for it.
- It’s really the only thing I want to do, and I’m good at it.
- I’ve dedicated my life to getting a little better every day at it.
- I have a burning passion for it. Yes I said that twice.
Coaching people is extremely rewarding as a career. It’s not what you choose if you want to get rich, or even mildly rich. You do it because you love it.
I explained to my son that the best thing he can do is to find what he has passion for and do it. It will be rewarding in ways more important than money.
As coaches and trainers most people think that we simply teach people to lift weights and exercise.
That is so far off from what we do it isn’t even on the dartboard.
For the better.
Clients come to us, sometimes at the lowest point in their lives and they ask us to help them get fit, to lose weight, to get healthier; and we do. This changes their lives.
They get more confidence, better health, and so much more.
We have a huge influence on them and sometimes we don’t realize how much.
This was revealed to me the other day, again. And it reinforced to me why I do this.
I was contacted by an old client that I trained about 20 years ago for quite some time. He bumped into someone and they chatted and realized that they both trained with me so he decided to look me up and say hello.
Now, the gentleman I am talking about came to me in order to get healthier, stronger and learn Strongman. He was in his 50’s at the time and he hired someone much younger to place his trust in.
I have to explain that as I got to know him I developed a massive amount of respect and admiration for him. He built a wildly successful business, he had the highest ethics and morals, and was very intelligent.
The fact that he placed his trust in me, and a fairly new business was an honor.
He trained hard and gave 100% of his energy and ability at every session.
As it almost always goes, our time together came to an and for one reason or another. Nothing bad of course, just a natural progression. And then we lost touch with each other for a long time. Again, a natural progression.
Out of the blue, I got an email that he gave me permission to share with you for this log.
Here it is: (Long, but worth the read)
I retired 9/19.
I was massively over weight with arthritic hips and knees and a heart condition. Frankly, I was on a steady march to deaths door.
After a lifetime of being very active and strong I let it all go. A walk was about 100 feet between benches to rest. Taking out the trash would leave me winded.
On 10/15/19 I got up and I still do not what drove me but I joined WW (Weight Watchers) and went alcohol free. I had no direction and a lot doubts. I took it a day at a time and turned my life around.
One year later to the day I had lost 145 pounds.
In January of 2020 I had dropped a fair amount of weight and decided to try lifting weights again. It completely depressed me. My fragile ego hated being able to only squat with an empty bar and that was too much for me to even consider benching.
Also my joints hurt.
I had some resistance bands that I had used for assistance and I started playing with them. I started working. Having no real background with bands I had no attachment to any level. I just did what I could. I started keeping a daily journal. I started working out every day. Gradually I got stronger and fitter. I now rise every day at 4:00 am and I work out for 3 hours.
I do yoga, some martial arts, calisthenics (planks, wall sits push ups etc) and resistance bands. Recently I have started incorporating weights for the big exercises and it feels good. I started squating with an empty bar and adding 10 pounds a week.
Same with trap bar deadlifts with thick grips, benching and rolling thunder. In the afternoon I do a brisk 4-5 mile walk.
I have eliminated all processed foods. I eat clean protein, fruits, vegetables and grains. I remain alcohol free (470 + days,). I have reclaimed my body and my spirit. I am the man I have always wanted to be. At 70 years of age my morning workout would cripple many youngsters half my age.
I am getting stronger and fitter day by day.
Murph, just so you know I think of you at every workout.
I also wear my old TPS beanie to remind me of who I am.
Hope that is OK with you.
You have always inspired me and still do.
You know that on the day that he died Jack Lallane got up and worked out.
That is the me I want to be. Please pardon my ramblings, but I wanted to share this with you.
It is a tribute to your expertise and commitment.
Thank you, Steve. (An old man with gravel in his guts and spit in in his eyes)
I read that and had tears in my eyes.
This is why we do this.
To change people’s lives.
To help them be the best that they can be.
Reading this and taking in what he said, that I still inspire him after 20 years to be stronger and healthier is an honor. To think that a person of this caliber took the time out of their day to let me know was such an honor I don’t have words to express how I feel.
It makes all of the difficulties we face in this industry worth it.
It reinforces, at least to me, that you must do what you have passion for.
Stay the course.
Be your best and give your work 100% every day.
It will reward you in the end knowing that you have lead a life that empowered others to be their best.
It doesn’t matter what you do either.
Find your passion and live it.
Be a force for good and good will come back to you ten times over.
Change lives.
It also reminded me of the men who helped form me in this industry.
Dr. Fred Hatfield and Rich Angelo.
Two GREAT men who touched more lives and inspired more people than they could have imagined to be their best. Me included. Men who led by example and strived to be the best while still being compassionate and understanding.
So, when you have a crisis of faith, reflect back on why you do what you do. If you are doing the right thing for you, it will resolve itself.
Steve helped me understand once again that I am doing what I was meant to do.
I hope that you find what you were meant to do.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
February 4, 2021
Vinceri vel Mori
Vinceri vel Mori
Vinceri vel Mori
I appreciate it.
Vinceri vel Mori