15 mins stepper. Changed it up a bit. The stepper battery lost its charge so once I figured it out with some help from the service rep, I tested it out. It seems to be in order now
Activations with some BT on the guts and quads. Five minutes was section moving the 120lb once every minute.
Raw box squat work sets 3x5, 3x3, 2x2
Leg press semi narrow 5x12
Bell double swings 9 or 10x10
Prob work on some more activations
Pushed two laps prowler
Activations with 10 min BT gut roll
We closed the gym early at noon. This sort of rare as usually holidays, we stay open till 2 or 3pm. I rolled with it this year and the world did not end with the earlier closing. We did not have any grill out plans and it just ended up with us meeting Mr Dale and Linz at the World of Beer. I tired 4 or 5 different ones but kept coming back to the New Belgium 1554. Several beers later and some apps shoved in the pie hole we called it a night. Very pleasant night and we headed out. Now as some may know me, several beers usually means some really bad food and something sweet. The wife who is a saint during these most trying Spud times obliges my binges. This night it was Taco Bell and Krispy Kream donuts. But either before or after, I am not quite a 100% here we called Murph who had tossed a few back himself and had a drunk yell off in the car with the wife egging it on here and there. It really does not need any extra gas to get it going but add some she does. It is always railroads into a very terrible and gross conversation. But it is always fun! Upon getting home it is always hot in SC and with added beers, taco bell and donuts, it gets messy usually all over me and everything around me with taco bell sauce and glazed donuts sugar flakes coating. Woke up several times with achy tum tum. But hey live today right!