It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement. Sometime within the next two weeks, I will be ending my tenure with the ownership of the Combat Sports Academy.
My home for the past decade is moving its base to a space two towns north of where we are already with an inconvenient address for many of my current participants.
Although I have people that travel quite far to train on a daily basis, the additional half hour to 45 minutes tacked onto their hour to an hour and a half commute is simply TOO much to ask.
I have the most wonderful agreement with CSA in terms of rent and % take on each person. I couldn't ask for anything more, and to go with my long-time "roommate" as a partner in his vision, well...I'm too old to take on a lease agreement that I might not be able to fulfill.
I was going to move the equipment that I own to a structure I'm having built onto the backside of my home, but when one of the couples I train heard about this they determined that they (and I) would have none of it, and purchased a building to house the gym.
WHAT? Same deal with percentages and I don't have to sign a lease. GOLDEN BALLS!
While I am very sad about the separation (I LOVE the people that are in our gym now) I am never one to be re-active rather I've always been PRO-active and taken control of my life.
"If you don't make a decision, a decision will be made for you"
We shook hands, hugged for extended periods of time and almost shed a few tears.
But like in death, the first couple weeks are hard but then life goes on.
I hope and wish nothing but the BEST for my "Housemates" and will recommend their programs going forward.
I'm not their competition, nor do I want any ill feelings.
As for me, it will be "business as usual. Just a change of address and name on the door. (Haven't got one yet)
Today's Training:
Run*: well, still nursing the hamstring/calf so it wasn't exactly a run per se. 3 miles
Shoulder Reliever*
Daily 8:
- Blast Strap Row:
- Pushups:
- 45-degree Back Extension:
- GHR:
- Chin-ups:
- Dips:
- Fat Grip Dead Hang
- Front Plank
Pull-up: 10x4
Chin-up: 10x4
Cable Row: 5x15
DB Hammer Curl: 8x5
BB Curl: 8x5
Side Flex Ab: 3x10