The Gap
The important thing to remember is the gap. The gap is where we’re all at right now. The gap is what we have control of. You know how you would like to be remembered and what type of impact you would like to make. You also know who you have become up until this time. Has your past dictated the future you would like to have?
If you died today, how will you be remembered? If you don’t like the way you’d be remembered if you left us today, then you still have the gap. The gap is the space between where you are and how you will be remembered.
None of us knows how big or small this gap may be, so there is no time to mess around. When you decide how you would like to be, then get right to work and be it! There is no tomorrow, next week, or next year. There is only now. When you begin to fill the gap with how you want to be, you’ll quickly find that’s who you are.
After you decide on how you would like to live your life, create a statement for it. Take your time with this. This will become your primary aim. To give you an example, I use: “to live, learn, and pass on.” This idea has a very important meaning for me, one that I keep to myself, the same way you will keep yours to yourself. You may even set up different aims for different aspects of your life. For those I help with training programs, we set one up just for their training, but only after the main aim has been developed. The main aim will be a source for all the principles and values you’ll keep throughout your life.