Wow! Am I tired. I thought about coaching from one of the Zero Gravity chairs we have in office part of the gym. THAT would have been a sketch!!!
Like all issues, I like to face them HEAD ON! Because of this fatigue, it was PROWLER Time!
Yup, works better than caffeine!
8 x 40 yards got things moving along.
Pull Ups: 10 sets of 2 reps with a weight vest
Chin ups: 10 sets of 2 reps with the SAME weight vest. No reason to pull it off. That would be more work than what I was willing to do today.
A couple tricep exercises along with two more bicep ones and I was dun. D. U. N....DONE!
Since Hunter and April are in Michigan this week, I need to get up even earlier. The dog needs feeding AND a bathroom break, since he'll be inside until I get back.
Well...he LOVES his comforts. Talk to him as he is power lounging on MY PILLOW! Really...as IF!
My son went out for a long run this morning in the heat and humidity of Michigan. Yup, we don't have much humidity here in California.
April sent me a photo of the MAN! Granted, when you weigh 65 lbs, you BETTER have Abs, but from what I see of MOST kids today is quite the doughy body.
Nine and Ten year olds that look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow man.
Nope! Not MY man of steel. Check this Human Washing Machine out.
He's a GOON, and being a Goon is NEVER having to say you're sorry! (well...sort of....)
He gets his abs from his mom...