In October of last year we tragically lost one of our brothers in iron and member of the OBB family, Andy Blackton. Andy had a kind soul, a devout dedication to training, a helpful heart, and had found a profession where he could benefit those in need as a sign language interpreter. He positively affected so many lives. We’re going to make sure that he’s not forgotten.
As much as Andy loved lifting, he almost never had a workout where he didn’t do some form of outdoor activity. We’re going to honor this by hosting an event with a few enjoyable strength challenges with a Prowler Push, Farmer’s Walk, Tire Flip, Body Weight Bench Press for reps, and Viking Press. Half of the proceeds will go to the National Association for the Deaf (NAD) and the other half to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.
This meet is meet is meant to be a positive experience and is open to anyone who would like to participate.
Here's the link to all of the information: