When it comes to programming there is an intent for each day and if you want to break it down even further there is one for each movement you do on a specific day. The problem is a lot of athletes can't seem to get out of their own way when it comes to this thought process. They have a set percentage in place or if they use RPE they have an idea of what they should hit that day and that number eventually goes on the bar regardless of the desired RPE. This happens a lot with newer lifters or lifters that hire a coach without putting in the work and getting to know their own bodies yet.
The biggest atrocity I see this with is speed/dynamic work, an athlete has a prescribed weight and accommodated resistance to use for the day. Warm-ups aren't going that great and when the athlete gets to their desired weight it looks more like a near max than anything I would consider fast and if you have ever seen me lift I am the slowest lifter on the planet so if I say it's slow than we know it is slow. When this happens these sessions start to bleed over into other sessions and your recovery takes a huge hit and all of the sudden your strength starts to dip on your main movement days. Everything has a cause and effect to it that probably lasts far longer than you think it does and instead of having a productive 6-8 week training block you have to cut it short because you can't recover and on top of that you didn't do a single rep that would be considered helpful in the speed-strength and strength-speed dynamic.
The point is to go into the gym and know what things are supposed to look like and how they are supposed to move and what adaptation you want out of the day and adjust things accordingly. I had to do this with my speed work, instead of the prescribed 50-65% Louie recommends I had to drop it down closer to 30-45%. This tells me and clearly indicates a huge weakness of mine, if I can start to increase that percentage with the same bar speed I know I have gotten faster in my lifts but if I would have stayed at the percent I am "supposed " to be at I would never get the response I want and thus never improve on my weakness. The point of training is to develop and build not to test.
242.8lbs- HRV 80
Speed BP w/ 40lbs of Chains per side with Micro Mini Bands- 190lbs for 12 sets of 3 reps with 60secs rest bet sets
Med Ball Chest Throws- 6 sets of 4 reps with 20lbs Mega Bow Bar BP- 412lbs for 6 reps, 352lbs for 9 reps
3 Way Delts- 20lbs for 3 sets of 10 reps ea way
Rolling DB Tri Ext- 25lbs for 25 reps, 25 reps, and 22 reps
DB Seated Cleans- 15lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps
Tempo Flys (3secs down, 3secs pause)- 45lbs for 12 reps, 12 reps, and 10 reps
DB Curls- 25lbs for 3 sets of failure
244lbs- HRV 77
SSB Box Squats w/ Doubled Light Bands- 295lbs for 10 sets of 2 reps
Deadlifts w/ 80lbs of Chains- 345lbs for 10 sets of 2 Both done with 60secs rest between sets Belt Squats- 3.5 plates for 12 reps, 4 plates for 12 reps GHR- 2 sets AMRAP s/s Sissy Squats- 2 sets AMRAP Back Ext- 3 sets of 15 reps s/s Band Crunches- 3 sets of 20 reps 5-11-19 243.8lbs- HRV 76 Seated BB BTN OHP- 225lbs for 8 reps, 8 reps, and 7 reps
DB BP OC Reps ( 3 pulses)- 110lbs for 9 reps, 100lbs for 9 reps
Farmers Walks- 100' for 3 trips with 180lbs plus farmers
Single Arm Cable Rows- 110lbs for 3 sets of 12 reps
Pull Ups- 4 sets of 8 reps
Mag Grip Lat Pulldowns- 170lbs for 12 reps, 190lbs for 11 reps, 190lbs for 11 reps
Side Planks- 3 sets of 20secs ea side
Calves- 3 sets to failure