I believe it starts around the 6th grade, and it's with no formal instruction. The NON verbal hello.
Simply a head nod. But here is the thing, there are two types of acknowledgements that an adolescent - teen will use.
The nod that lifts the chin and the nod that tucks the chin.
I've always been one to look people in the eye. Even strangers and passerby's, I like to be aware of who is around me, and what signals they send. (If only I could have the same situational awareness of Jason Bourne...) So maybe it's my non cocooning that makes this more fun. But I will usually bring up the gaze of a person (mostly those with their noses stuck in the smart phone) and they will immediately tuck their chins down, in their acknowledgment of my presence. However, IF I KNOW THEM...They will LIFT their chins, and thus EXPOSE their necks to me as if to say..."Hey Harry" in their same acknowledgement.
I think there is something automatic and primal about this.
I THINK...the head tilt UP and the exposure of the neck is done when the person knows you aren't going to throat blast them. They don't feel threatened.
The chin tuck is in protection and becoming defensive in the discomfort of a stranger approach or greeting.
I have nothing to back it up, but my own observations. I also don't believe this is Earth shattering. Just something you can do to enjoy yourself. BUT...it will require you to actually LOOK at people instead of your phones.
1000 rep ARM day...BECAUSE IT'S FRIDAY!!!!
Sun's OUT=Gun's OUT!!!
All Exercises are done in Odd/Even Super sets
All exercises are done for 20 reps per set and 5 sets per exercise.
1. Barbell Curl
2. Cable Rope Push Down
3. Dumb bell Curl
4. Supine (on your back) Dumb bell Tricep Ext.
5. Hammer Curls w/ Dumb bell
6. Chest Supported Tricep Kick Back
7. Seated Barbell Curl (bar sits in your hands on your thighs and curled to your chest. Almost a 90 degree ROM)
8. Over Head Cable Tricep Ext
9. Concentration or Preacher Curl
10. Dips