My early gym time is a concern for my son who truly wants to train with me. Unfortunately, 0400 and a 10 year old rarely meet. Something about sleeping and growing.
Anyway, Hunter is a pleaser. He never wants to disappoint either his Mom or me. So, when I told April when she asked why I didn't wake him up this morning, I told her, "I only want those people who WANT to be in my gym".
She went home and explained to Hunter what I said.
Here is his note that he hand wrote:
I played basketball for 1 hour and I felt bad I didn't come in so here is a candy (2 Halloween Reece's Peanut butter cups...He knows my weakness)
I didn't come in because I NEEDED TO finish my book so I studied for the test too"
"P.S. Now Fiona can't steal my book, because I have finished"
(insert evil smiley face hand drawn with hahahahaha bubble)
I surely hope EVERYONE has a kid that makes them laugh out loud.
I am also sure he will be in the gym tomorrow EARLY!
Prowler: 8x80 yards
4 way neck: 1x15x6.0
4 different Mag Pulldown Bars x 2 sets per x 10 repsx150 pounds.
C/S Row: 8x8x75
1.5 mile 'Og with my dawg no specific time.
Bike commute