I’ve gotta be quick this week, I have to be at City Hall in 40 minutes for the Special Permit hearing on the new TPS location so let’s get right into it.
We are busier than a room full of one armed paper hangers at TPS this week. We’ve got planning for the move and the RPS Power Challenge that we host coming in just a few days.
We have over 200 lifters registered for the meet this coming Saturday and Sunday. If you are in the area and want to come and see who is Boston’s Strongest join us Saturday and Sunday to see the best in local Powerlifting.
We also can still use some volunteers to help us spot and load over the weekend, especially on Sunday when the bigger guys are lifting.
If you can help us out reply back to this post and I’ll confirm with you. We normally have no issues getting help but there are so many lifters from TPS doing the meet, we are shorthanded.
I am expecting some big lifts from our team, the TPS Method for Powerlifting girls as well as from a few lifters scheduled to be there.
Most of our girls have done two or three meets and have gained great experience and will be putting it to the test. We have a 123 class lady who I expect to pull 340-350, another in the 181’s we expect to pull well over 300, and 165 who we expect to bench 160. These are very good numbers for new lifters. I am sure they will all do very well.
Carlos Moran is also scheduled to lift here and after his performance at Boss of Bosses 2 we are expecting some big numbers from him as well.
In case you don’t know already, the meet is also going to help out Everett Pop Warner Football. We are trying to help them raise funds to support the organization. They will be running the food concession and providing you with the healthiest food options such as sausages, hot dogs and burgers. Come by, strap on the feedbag and get jacked on calories while you watch other people lift. That’s a good weekend.
Murph Does Crossfit
OK, not really. I got an email a few weeks ago from Charles River Crossfit in Boston to help them out with an event they are doing as a team. They needed to get their form nailed down on the Tire Flip and Atlas Stones.
I figured sure, how hard can this be right?
On Saturday, we had six Crossfitters, 3 male and 3 female show up for the training. They threw a wrench at me right out of the gate.
Not only did we have to teach them to flip and lift, they had to do it as a team; meaning they needed to flip the tire with 2-3 people at a time. You see the event goes like this: flip a 600 pound tire 75 feet, flip an 800 pound tire 75 feet, then flip a 1000 pound tire 75 feet and then STACK them on top of each other. Once that task is done the need to run back and carry Atlas Stones 75 feet until all implements are across the finish line.
Since I have absolutely no experience teaching 3 people to flip a tire at the same time, me and Phil (my other Strongman coach) were left to pull some magic out of our butts. We began with coaching the basic tire flip and then moved on to working in groups. It went surprisingly well.
Then next portion scared me a little, stacking the tires. We actually had some experience with this because on our Broadway location we stored the tires stacked on top of each other.
The issue?
We didn’t do it against a running clock.
Stacking tires is dangerous and against a clock it is just stupid.
Whoever came up with that as part of the event should be beaten with a stick. I’ll be surprised if no one gets a broken arm or worse at this event. Anyway, we came up a pretty good solution and the tires were stacked quickly. What we did was to have the two strongest and tallest team members get under a tire once it was leaned up against the bottom one and the other four face them from the other side. The two taller ones got their shoulders under the tire and basically did a squat while the others pushed it into position.
They all also agreed stacking tires was dumb.
We moved onto the Atlas Stones and we taught them to shoulder the stones as I feel this would be the best way to carry it such a long distance.
At the end of the day, I was pretty impressed with the group of people I trained. They were all very hard workers, extremely open to coaching and they functioned well as a team. I don’t know what type of competition they will be up against but I think they stand a pretty good shot to win this event.
I told them it was an honor to work with them and I meant it. They even had the owner of the Crossfit there.
It takes a lot of balls to be the head coach and bring your crew someplace else for coaching. My hat is off to you Erik.
I hope to work with them all again in the future.
Next week I hope to have more updates on the move and hopefully some more training related gold for you.
That’s all for this week.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett
Vincere vel mori