Gotcha! Now go and out nice the other guy. Today, I can NOT be out nice by anyone in my immediate circle.
Smitz, Tell your mom I picked up her earbuds.
Today's Training:
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 20 minutes steady state
Dead Lift:
From the weight we did 10 reps with last week, add 10 pounds to each side and RIP off the floor 12 sets of 2 reps focusing on technique and then speed.
After the 12th set, keep the same weight for 3 x 10
Wide Handle Lat Pulldown: 3x10
Ab Wheel Roll Out:
From the standing hamstring stretch position plank out into a push up position with the wheel under the chin. No need to extend (yet)
Do this for 3x5
Follow it up with 3x10 from the knees and extend all the way until the chest touches the floor
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
Bike Commute: Holy fuck! On this one ride, I almost got clipped FOUR different times. Figuring the first attempt on my life was almost a success, I rode with great vigilance. THREE...1..2..3...almost got me as well.
Sprint I: 10x10 yards @50% My back was lit up from the rollouts. It hurt so good!
Sprint II: 5x100 @75%
I have to run every day! We took a few days off the running last week and my dog SUFFERED greatly. He's getting older and it seems he needs to stretch his hind quarters out daily otherwise he whimpers upon getting up. When he gets his run in...Not a whisper.
Hmmm, might learn something from this.