Today was a day that I set aside (and now I think it should be once a month) to clean and vacuum my gym. There are things that don't move for extended periods of time and gather not only dust but various strains of MRSA super bugs. (kidding)
It's not the biggest of spaces, but it did take me three hours to finish.
While doing the mindless task, I continued to train people and answer question that would arise in any of the workouts that I design. I then realized that for 45 years, my role has not changed all that much.
Yes, I am a lot older, wiser and smarter some things are still the same.
Part of being a "trainer" when I started as a 17 year old in a Nautilus facility was to clean up at days end.
Not only did I have to vacuum the room, I also had to clean two showers and take the Doberman out before locking up for the night.
As the sole proprietor of my own garage gym, I vacuumed, toweled off the equipment and WASHED the floors with Mr. Clean (orange flavor solution) made sure the towels were cleaned and folded.
At the personal training gym part of the duties was not only those tasks but to also make sure the sundries were available.
Same thing at the PepsiCo corporate facility I worked at.
Yep, it's not all glamor of training high profile athletes. Everyone that is anyone in this business has done what I've listed AND acted as a plumber.
All we ask is to PLEASE keep it neat for at least a day. I would love to walk in on Monday morning and not have it look like downtown Bagdad.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 5 min
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x15
Single Arm/Single Leg DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Mini Band Shoulder Crank: 4x15 in three positions
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 5x10
Ab Pulldown: 5x10
Decline Sit up: 5x10
Concept II Row: 23:30